

Peak oil is imminent and the best way to build our post-cheap-oil future is through a reduction of oil usage, a restructuring of values, and strong personal evaluations of our relationship with fossil fuels. This can be done with the guidance of the transition town network: a global community working together to become more resilient people.

Topic at a glance:

Peak oil is happening right now! For every four barrels of oil we use, only one is being discovered.

The earth will never run out of oil, but in the near future the access to cheap oil will run out.

Now is the time to rethink the way we use fossil fuels.

Transition towns are about relocalizing all essential elements that a community needs to sustain itself and thrive. 

Resilience, a core value, is about building strength within communities to withstand the ups and downs of an uncertain future.

Peak oil could be an opportunity to become stronger, closer, and fuller.