
What: It is an undeniable fact that sometime in our lifetimes we will see a major shift in perspective, cost, access, and dependence level on fossil fuels. Oil dependency, in this country in particular, is at an all time high, while access to oil is only diminishing. There is a driving force for the need for a change: the peak oil theory.

So what: Actions and solutions must be taken and created at a citizen level. The American government has been slow at making a shift with oil usage and policies. Being proactive and not relying on the government to implement laws that will lead to a more sustainable life is essential. Now is the time to start rethinking the way America, in particular, uses fossil fuels.

Now what? There is one movement that is addressing the issues of peak oil and oil dependency head on. It’s called the transition town movement. Transition Towns are an international movement to raise awareness about peak oil, climate change and resource depletion, usually working together to hold forums on change, sustainable agriculture, and in some locations set up their own local currency.

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